ToR – Feminist Research

Danida North

Lebanese Context:

The situation in Lebanon has been deteriorating for the past few years, with the community taking the brunt of it all. A political deadlock, economic collapse, Beirut port explosion, and the COVID-19 pandemic are just some of the crises plaguing the country. Consequently, the situation is halting access to resources, basic needs, and services for the majority of the country’s citizens and residents.

The political and economic instability is threatening the livelihoods and safety of all population groups with growing needs and vulnerabilities appearing with each passing day. On the economic front, Lebanon is experiencing the worst crisis in its history where the Lebanese pound lost more than 90% of its value to the USD, massively decreasing the real income of most residents[1]. Furthermore, this deterioration on the economic front led to the depletion of foreign currency reserves. Consequently, this also meant the lifting of many subsidies namely those on fuel, food, and certain medication. Inflation rates of food increased by more than 557% and that of fuel by 1064%[2] while prices of certain medication also increased between three to nine-fold. This inflation is shifting many necessities into luxuries and led more than 80% of the population below or near the poverty line and more than 99% of Syrian refugees into extreme poverty [3].

Above that, the country is still recovering from the devastating Beirut port explosion that occurred on August 4, 2020. The blast claimed the lives of more than 200 people, and left 7 missing, and over 6,000 injured. Also, about 40,000 buildings were affected, with 3,000 residential structures seriously damaged as well as the strategic grain silos containing 85% of the country’s grain stock[4]. Over 70,000 workers are estimated to have lost their jobs, with direct implications for over 12,000 households, and 178 public and private schools were damaged[5].


In a country such as Lebanon, where there is a lack of social protection systems it is up to the people to come together. Women’s rights organizations (WROs) and feminist movements play an integral role in social change and the promotion of gender justice worldwide[6] and in Lebanon it is no different. Since the popular October 2019 uprising, WROs and feminists were at the forefront of it all, demanding alongside other civil society organizations, activists, and the general public that the government be held accountable and that reforms be made[7]. Feminists were also involved in crucial parts of the revolution such as formulating demands and calling for women’s rights to be acknowledged.

Other incidents where WROs and feminists stepped up and showed community solidarity in Lebanon were during: the recovery times post Beirut port explosion; the lockdowns imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and throughout the economic collapse that the country is still witnessing.


Based on the research paper “Feminist Movement Building in Lebanon: Challenges and Opportunities” published in 2019 and while considering the change in the Lebanese context since the October 2019 uprising, this research aims to shed light on the current feminist movement in Lebanon in light of the volatile context.

This activity will complement the first research paper, which outlined the challenges faced by the feminist movement in a context prior to the uprising, and take it from a post October 2019 angle while studying the dynamics, adaptability, and prioritization of feminist movements during unprecedented times.

This research will feature a case study of the movement in Tripoli and how feminist campaigns/WROs responded to the specific needs in the context of the northern city.

Research Questions:

  • What role did the October 17, 2019 revolution play in shaping the feminist movement in Lebanon?
    • How did it shift the public dynamic?
    • Did it allow women to take more space? What affects did this have on the feminist scene?
  • Variables include: local vs national movements, comparison between regions, comparison between large and small organizations, and an assessment of emergent movements
  • How have feminist movements adapted to the economic collapse?
    • Did funding and resources improve?
    • What alternative means were used?
  • Variables include: solidarity movement and informal support, funding priorities vis a vis socio-economic status, service provision vs advocacy
  • What are the current priorities? What challenges are being faced?
    • Has there been a shift in focus to address the new issues at hand such as period poverty, inflation, unemployment, and lack of economic empowerment? What are the characteristics that define such prioritization?
    • Did the feminist scene shift from an advocacy and campaigning position to more of a relief and support position?
      • What factors affect the decision to shift scenes?



This research will look into the feminist movement nationwide in light of the multidimensional crisis the country is facing. More specifically, this research will focus on how the movement adapted and progressed since the October 17 uprising, Beirut port explosion, and economic collapse. Primary and secondary data will feed into the research deliverable. Data from the previous research study along with available context information will pave the way for the start of the paper. As for the main data source, a qualitative approach will be adopted.

A total of 30 key informant interviews with local women’s rights organizations, women-led community groups, and activists will be carried out and will be the main data source for the paper. A case study looking into the feminist movement in Tripoli will also take part as an added component to the collected data. The interviews will be based on a semi-structured interview guide, leaving room for diverse responses. Key informants will be identified and selected through available resources such as personal connections, a desk review and snowball technique.  

The data will be collected, transcribed, and translated accordingly and will then undergo thematic analysis.

Consultant’s Duties and Scope of Work:

The research consultant is expected to develop a detailed methodology for the research along with the necessary tools, manage the research, and produce a research paper which reflects the realities in the areas where the project is implemented within the national context.  The research consultant is expected to:

  • Conduct a literature review /desk review on the feminist movement in Lebanon.
  • Develop a detailed methodology for the research, including the development of research tools (Key Informant Interview guide)
  • Carry out qualitative research in the form of KIIs with feminist organizations and initiatives to better understand how the context has affected their priorities and shaped the movement.
  • Analyze the collected data and generate themes.
  • Submit drafts of the report to Oxfam team for revisions (the rounds of revisions will not be set ahead of time, and will depend on the quality of the report)
  • Develop the last version of the research report
  • Participate and assist the Oxfam team in developing a dissemination plan for the final report


Type of Deliverable             Description                                                  

Detailed methodology        A document with a specified methodology including a section on data – Week 2 of March

collection and analysis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Literature review                 A short report highlighting the main findings and key themes.- Week 3 of March                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Qualitative research tool    A well-developed KII guide - Week 4 of March                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Collect data                           -              Week 1 2 3 of April                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Analysis of the data             Thematic analysis of the data generated from the KIIs- Week 3 4 of April                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Reporting on the analysis   A short report highlighting the main themes that were identified – Week 4 of April                           


First draft                               A first draft of the paper that presents the findings from the desk review and KIIs. This will be reviewed and discussed with the project team.- Week 1, 2 of May                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Revised draft                         A second draft of the research paper following the first round of revision- Week 3 of May                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Final research report      - Week 4 of May

How to apply

Expression of Interest (EOI)

To carry out the research study, Oxfam is looking for a potential consultant with relevant expertise and experience in the domain of research, feminism, and human rights. The consultant is expected to articulate Oxfam's values, express support to its mission and aspirations, be culturally sensitive and account for high ethical standards.

Interested consultants should submit their CV (along with three references) and a brief proposal which includes a methodology and workplan to [email protected] . The proposal should also include all estimated costs including those for data collection, analysis, and report write up.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الجمعة, 25. Mar 2022
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
المناصرة والتوعية, الحكم الرشيد والشفافية, حالة وقضايا النساء
Remuneration range:
> 6000 (USD)
Duration of Contract:
End of May 2022