Research: Assessing the feasibility of supporting oil extracting related value chains in Lebanon


Welthungerhilfe (WHH), in partnership with Lebanese NGOs, is coordinating a three-year Programme, funded by the German Ministry for Development and Economic Cooperation (BMZ), with the purpose to develop rural markets and increase social stability. 

Lebanon is importing 80% of all needed goods, including basic daily essential goods. Due to the changing context and rising food security concerns, WHH is interested to assess new food security and livelihood interventions. Findings of such mission will be used to develop future interventions. For this consultancy WHH is looking for a qualified person that can assess the feasibility of local cooking-oil production.


Syria Crisis Response Program 2019-2023

Project Name


What is the overall aim of this mission?

Purpose of the study

The overall objective of this assignment is to carry out a feasibility study/Value Chain Analysis of identified food production and processing value chains in the respective communities (and beyond as appropriate) to provide evidence-based information to future program planning.

Specific Survey Objectives:

The mission aims to assess the oil for food extraction industry and the feasibility of supporting related crops in Lebanon incorporating the following:

  • A mapping of the existing value chains actors
  • SWOT analysis of the sector and a gap identification
  • Comparative study of different related crops; Bring out comparative and competitive advantages.
  • Identify leverage points along the value chain that can have potential in strengthening the effectiveness and efficiency of the chains.
  • Identify the underlying constraints impinging upon business transactions all along the chain and provides interventions on how to mitigate them.
  • Identify the potential suitable producers groups, and private sector players, the promising value addition opportunities and markets.
  • Focus especially on local markets
  • Consider factors to strengthen resilience of local economies
  • Suggested areas for planting the selected crop (s) / Beneficiaries selection criteria
  • Intervention approach (type of activities, timeline)
  • Needed budget for such intervention
  • Risks and mitigation measures


The process would be initiated through inception meeting, desk review, data collection, synthesis and analysis. The consultant shall specifically;

1) Develop tools and an appropriate methodology for primary data collection

2) Review identified commodity Value Chains and establish;

  • The key Primary chain actor, their key functions, relationships, key operational challenges and possible interventions.
  • Actors’ contribution to changes in prices along the value chain.
  • Evaluate the social aspects as the key chain blocker(s) and enabler(s).
  • Chain supporters/Support services and their role.
  • Challenges experienced in offering /accessing facilitative services
  • Possible potential risks / opportunities
  • Gender and power dynamics and advice on areas for improvement in maximizing benefits to Women.

3) Establish specific, relevant, and reliable markets the project supported entrepreneurs should target at primary, regional, national and international level markets

  • Suitability, competitive and comparative advantages;
  • Assess the size of markets, volume of sales, market integration/segmentation
  • Assess agriculture practices conformance to requirements and standards of markets.

4) Assess the current trends in the environment ; government
regulations and control mechanisms ;

  • Identify policy issues that impact the selected value chains
  • Establish markets structures and infrastructure and enabling environment (e.g. policies affecting market access);

5) Provide framework for the design, implementation, monitoring, risk management and evaluation of value chains development strategies: to provide tools to ensure that information is incorporated in production stages and how it should be interpreted and used for decision-making


  • Introductory meeting with WHH and partner NGO related team
  • Desk assessment, study of key documents
  • Field visits
  • Workshop/collective brainstorming with key persons from WHH and partner NGOs
  • Data collection: Outreach to key informants, potential partners, stakeholders, donors and collecting information.
  • Focus group discussions and Key informant interviews.
  • Developing the design of the intervention concepts
  • Developing risk mitigation plans. 
  • Discuss findings and deliverables with WHH and partner NGO related team
  • Submit a final report that elaborates the findings and recommendations



1) Inception report

2) Feasibility Study/Value chain analysis report: (3 hard and soft copies. Soft copies of analyzed data and filled data sheets/tools shall also be handed in.)

  1. Complete value chain maps; chain actors, stakeholders,
    supporters and influencers accompanied with description of the relationships of stakeholders: how many they are, roles & responsibility, values and volumes handled;
  2. Detailed analysis of the stakeholders, demand (Markets) and supply (Production) factors
  3. Intervention concepts
  4. An analysis of potential risks that may hamper reaching goals for the value chain as well as risks that may hamper commercialization of the value chains at local, national and international markets.
  5. Detailed analysis of the enabling and environment impacts

3) Recommendations: Description of the key systemic / critical issues, as well as practical actions to address the issues, recommendations for an upgrading strategy, Action Points, Activities, monitoring indicators (including process and outcome indicators) Outputs, Expected outcomes and Risks/assumptions and recommendations around risk monitoring, mitigation and management.


Assessment language and concept papers/reports will be in English


The Assessment will take place in August, 2021. Estimated 10 working days.


The assessment will be done online as well as by conducting meetings in person, if possible.

The debriefing can be conducted online.


WHH will make sure that their key-personnel are available for meetings with the consultant.


Payment is done after the submission of (1) the final report, (2) a timesheet that is outlining in bullet-points what was done on the related days of the mission, and (3) an invoice.


a) Core responsibilities of the Lead Consultant;

The lead consultant will be expected to perform the following core responsibilities:

  • Review all relevant secondary sources of data and any relevant information to the study.
  • Develop all necessary data collection, plans tools and present them for review before use.
  • Conduct both quantitative and qualitative data collection using acceptable methodologies.

Develop relevant databases and provide supervision of data collection using appropriate methods and procedures to ensure accuracy and quality of data

  • Present draft report for review and input.
  • Develop the final report incorporating stakeholders’ feedback

b) Skill and knowledge base requirements

  • Master’s Degree Economics, Development Studies, Agriculture, or Food Systems
  • Excellent knowledge of value chains, marketing systems and private sector development
  • Strong analytical, research and presentation skills.
  • Excellent report writing skills

Budget and schedule for study

The potential lead consultant is expected to submit a financial proposal in a different envelop clearly indicating the time, daily rates and detailed schedule for the study. The schedule shall later on be agreed on during the inception meeting.

How to apply

This assignment is open to individual consultants with sound experience in feasibility studies, market and value chain analysis. Please submit a narrative proposal outlining concept (experience, time-plan, communication modalities), and a financial proposal (quotation) indicating daily rates and total fee including VAT, along with a CV that indicates the experience and qualifications. Only individual persons can apply, companies are not eligible.

Applicants have to provide:

A technical and financial offer

The technical part of the offer should include reference to the perceived feasibility of the ToR. It should also include a brief description of the overall design and methodology, brief description of the tools to be used, and a workplan/adaptations to the workplan at hand (maximum 2 pages). Methodology presented will be part of the selection criteria.

The financial part includes a proposed budget. It should state the fees per working day (plus the respective VAT, if applicable), the number of working days proposed and other costs. Proof of professional registration and taxation is also required (e.g. by providing the bidder(s) tax number).

CV with references.

The bidders should submit a detailed technical and financial proposal in English with the subject ("Cooking Oil") to the following email addresses:

[email protected] by no later than 10.08.2021

Questions can be directed to: lennart.lehmann(at)

Interviews will be conducted only with short-listed bidders.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 31. أغسطس 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم الاستشارات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
زراعة, تنمية, بحوث ودراسات
Remuneration range:
3000 to 4000 (USD)
Duration of Contract: