Request for Quotation - Employment Intensive Infrastructure Programme Phase IV (EIIP) - Terms of Reference (ToR) for Evaluability Assessment EIIP Phase IV

1. Background Information

The Employment Intensive Infrastructure Programme in Lebanon is a project aiming at creating short term employment while constructing and rehabilitating public infrastructure. While the overall objective of the project is to strengthen resilience of local host communities by improving livelihoods for host community members and Syrian refugees through job creation and infrastructure development, the immediate objectives are:

1) Decent employment and income generated for Lebanese host communities and Syrians refugees through sustainable infrastructure and green works, and specific COVID-19 related measures.
2) Enhanced capacity for job creation and asset management through institutional development and contractor training and improved employability of workers through on the job training.
The employment intensive approach is founded on Decent Work Principles and so called Local Resource Based Technology (LRBT) in order to optimize the creation of decent jobs.

Phase IV of the EIIP will be implemented January 2021 – December 2022 with a total budget of EUR 17 Million with employment intensive infrastructure projects planned throughout Lebanon.
The objective of the assignment is to assess the logic of the proposed objectives, outputs and indicators, to propose improvements to the overall M&E framework, including gender indicators, MIS, impact monitoring tools and to verify resources needed.

2. Scope for consultant

The chosen consultant will collect from the EIIP team the relevant documentation and will conduct a preliminary stock-taking of the M&E plan, system and activities to date.

Under the scope of this assignment the consultant will for EIIP Phase IV:

  • Analyze the programme’s log frame/Results Framework approach, to identify the logic between the activities, outputs, objectives and risks/assumptions and review information sources.
  •  Assess the quality of the risk analysis at project design and assessment, test assumptions and importance and likelihood assigned to risks and identify any missing risks and mitigation measures.
  •  Review the causal logic and results-level linkages between the ILO Decent Work Country Programme /ILO Country Programme Outcomes and the EIIP Project.
  •  Review the definitions, key questions, methodological approach, and initial preparations made, including baseline measures based on phase I-III results, by the project to assess the effectiveness
  • and impact of the project, and determine the soundness of the approach in terms of the future evaluability of project impact (e.g. workers and perception surveys carried out by the project).
  • The consultant will review the resources and management arrangements for implementing the M&E plan to ascertain feasibility and appropriateness and make recommendations for improvements if needed.
  • The consultant will consider the overall institutional context for monitoring and evaluating the project ex post in order to determine the sustainability of M&E information and practices.
  • The consultant will consider the quality of the information, the appropriateness of the Management Information System (MIS) for storing and safeguarding the data, and use of this information by project stakeholders and in performance reports.
  • For all of the above, the consultant will talk to key EIIP officials and identify good practices and also specific improvements that should be made to the M&E system, giving specifics for acting upon these recommendations. Major risk areas and means of addressing these will also be identified, recommending overall changes to ILO’s design and quality control system for M&E of large projects.

3. Methodology

The evaluability review will involve two complementary data collection and review activities:
1) Document review, including project proposal, log frame, work plan, communication strategy, and other information sources;
2) Review of existing M&E plan and systems, planned surveys to verify sufficiency of data collection and allocation of resources.
The desk review and interviews will suggest a number of findings that in turn will point to additional issues and information to find. The M&E appraisal checklist can also help to guide the analysis. Key steps being followed in the analysis are:

a. Mapping of logic and analysis of indicators:

  • Analyse the context (social, political and economic information) to help understand why and what the problems are that ILO seeks to address;
  • Review the logic and each intended outcome, as well as the baseline or starting conditions (based on phase III), specified indicators and targets (if these are not documented, attempt to compile through interviews or other communications what these should be);
  • Note key partners for each outcome that should be involved in M&E knowledge exchange;
  • For each outcome, identify the logical fit between activities, major outputs, indicating the time frame for each and how these align with the targets, milestones, and proposed measurements;
  • For each outcome, review the identified risks and assumptions as well as adequacy of mitigation plans; and
  • For each outcome identify the contribution and logic between outcome and impact.

b. Methodological approaches for defining and measuring impact:

  • Theories of change and logic models are vital to monitoring results and pathways to impact.
  • A monitoring approach of outcomes and impact is designed prior to implementation of interventions so that an initial measure of key conditions can be made. This initial baseline measure can then be compared to similar measures at well-defined periods of time.
  • The design of an impact monitoring system may include control groups, and the data gathered may support an impact evaluation, however, with impact monitoring, the data collected is used to make real time decisions on improvements.
  • Monitoring of outcomes and impact

c. Operational risk management:

  • Analyse whether there is evidence that the ILO’s interventions are configured to be gradually and effectively handed over to national partners; and the extent to which the approach will lead to national ownership through improved capacity, will, and an enabling environment (changed laws, policies, behaviours, budgets);
  • Determine whether the ILO has articulated an exit or transition strategy for its support;
  • Consider the likely cost-effectiveness of ILO’s work in relation to each outcome and major output.

    d. Efficiency of organizational arrangements:

  • Analyse the work planning, implementation management and reporting practices of the M&E system set up so far or still being planned;

4. Outputs

There should be 4 principle outputs of the appraisal:
1) Proposal for revision to the overall M&E plan, with recommendation of systematic collection of information and monitoring of progress against indicators;
2) Short findings/observations for each of the project outputs and indicators including specific suggestions for improvements, including a more thorough review and assessment of the effectiveness of proposed gender monitoring, gender outputs and indicators;
3) A summary overview of issues, gaps and challenges and proposed measures;
4) Review adequacy of planned surveys for impact monitoring and suggestions for improvement.

5. Time frame and logistics

  • The work shall be undertaken as a desk review and interviews with EIIP officials in March 2021 The effective duration of the assignment shall be 7 - 10 days. The consultant shall indicate proposed activities and duration in a work plan.
  • The ILO will facilitate access to documentation and key officials.

How to apply

Quotation Submission

Quality of proposal, including cost and work plan will be considered in selection of consultancy firm.
The consultant shall include a resume of past work of similar nature and references, and CVs including contacts for key staff for this assignment, address and date of birth.
Proposal, including supporting documentation must be submitted to ILO Procurement on [email protected] on or before Thursday, 25 March 2021, 14:30pm.
Request for clarification deadline: 17 March 2021, before 13:00pm

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الخميس, 25. Mar 2021
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
إعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والخدمات