Local Leaders’ Mapping, and Baseline and Endline Assessments (November 2020)

1. Context

The Project 

The project will support local community leaders and civil society organizations in addressing relevant local needs in a sensitive manner, through a series of training and dialogue activities, and small grants. These activities are part of the implementation of a 10-month project aiming to empower local leaders and civil society actors to lead peacebuilding and conflict transformation, and working on strengthening their role in meeting local needs in a comprehensive method and constructive approach to prevent violent escalation of tensions.

To do this, the project will equip local leaders with the skills and capacities to identify conflict in their localities, as well as entry points to mitigate them. They will then be supported to use their skills to mediate inter-communal conflicts, thus demonstrating effective and sustainable alternatives to dispute resolution. 

2. Goal and Objectives of Study

The Local Leaders’ Mapping and Baseline Assessment

Search is conducting a Baseline assessment and Stakeholder Mapping, which will feed into shaping the project activities with the following objectives:

Main Objectives of Stakeholder Mapping:

  1. Map out existing local leaders in the project’s target areas, their capacities, skills in conflict analysis, dialogue, and conflict mitigation;
  2. Investigate the relevance of interventions provided by these leaders vis-a-vie the actual needs on the community level;
  3. Assess local leaders capacity and skills needed to support effective identification and relevant interventions on the community level;
  4. Assess the perceptions of the local communities and networks in the targeted areas towards these stakeholders and to what extent needs on the community level are being addressed by these leaders. 

Note: The Stakeholder Mapping is expected to take into account an existing Conflict Analysis that was recently produced by Search. This Analysis will be helpful in both designing and conducting the Stakeholder Mapping.

Note: The Primary target groups are Local Leaders (formal and informal community leaders, including youth and women from different socioeconomic backgrounds and age ranges).

Main Objectives of the Baseline Assessment:

The findings of the baseline will be used as a point of reference to measure the impact of the project and track its progress over time and provide benchmark information for measuring project outcomes based on the project log-frame, particularly, in the following areas:

  • Level of the capacity of local leaders (formal and informal actors) in conflict analysis, dialogue, and conflict mitigation in target communities; and
  • Levels of collaboration in target communities around shared interests to constructively address points of conflict.

The baseline also is expected to validate the relevance of existing project indicators and set baseline values for the project’s monitoring and evaluation expectations. 

At the end of the project, the Consultant will be expected to conduct an Endline assessment to measure the project’s relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact, and sustainability. Specific assessment inquiry lines will be developed prior to the Endline assessment, in complementarity with the measurement of the project’s indicators.

Note: Depending on the quality of the submitted Local Leader Mapping and Baseline Assessment, and to ensure synergy between the baseline and end-line assessments for this project. The commissioned consultant(s) for this assignment, will be requested to complete an Endline Evaluation for this project should they approve. Therefore, Interested consultant(s), are required to include the Endline Evaluation in the financial proposal.

3. Geographic Locations

These will be shared with the shortlisted firms but includes locations in the MENA region.

4. Methodology and Data Collection Tools


Search’s approach to the study is grounded in the guiding principles of our work: participatory, culturally sensitive, committed to building capacity, affirming and positive while honest and productively critical, and valuing knowledge and approaches from within the context. Search and the hired consultant will agree upon a joint set of standards when negotiating the final contract of agreement.

The below principles should be taken into account:

  • Inclusiveness—the methodology should include a wide range of viewpoints, specifically gender and age-sensitivity when applicable.
  • Mixed-method approaches—both qualitative and quantitative methods need to be present in the methodology.
  • The rigor of evidence—gathered information needs to be reliable and transparent
  • Ethics—the methodology needs to consider ethics in order to ensure that the evaluation is fully objective.

Methodology & Scope of the study

The study will investigate the two principal target groups: project direct stakeholders, such as the participating local leaders, and indirect stakeholders, such as the wider community of the targeted areas. The sample size should be adequate and representative of the target groups. In addition, the study should employ both quantitative and qualitative participatory methods in both the Stakeholder Mapping and the Baseline Assessment. 

 It will draw on the following sources:

  • Desk study review: The Consultant(s) will conduct a desk review, synthesizing any existing literature and/or materials on the targeted areas. Including,  project documents, logical framework and other relevant sources of data to complete the assessment.
  • Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs): Interviews and dialogues will be conducted to gather in-depth information on key questions aiming to set baseline values. 
  • Surveys: Surveys should be distributed to project participants and members of the community including men, women, and youth groups, and others as appropriate to collect numerical information related to the study’s key indicators (if appropriate).

Note: Due to COVID-19 situation and uncertainty about undertaking on-ground data collection, applicants are required to integrate a detailed multiple scenario strategy in their proposed methodologies and workplans that would ensure efficacy in the delivery of the assignment and allow for flexibility to switch between different modalities (i.e., to virtual data collection and vice-versa) whenever there is a need to do so.

Implementation Information

Evaluation Team

The consultant(s) will work closely with Search Lebanon’s DM&E Specialist who will be ensuring that all milestones are met. She will also act as a focal point on all issues including logistics and recruitment of local researchers and will sign off on the final papers in consultation and with the final approval of the Lebanon Country Director.


  • Within ten days from signing the contract, the consultant should submit an Inception report, which clearly defines the evaluation methodology, such as clear outlines for the focus group discussions, KII questions, survey questionnaires, and research timeline with specific deadlines for each deliverable. The inception report should also clearly explain the sampling methodology and sample size for the quantitative survey and a clear and logical number for the KIIs. The inception report and the data collection tools need formal approval from Search before starting the data collection in the field.
  • Within 20 days of signing the contract, the consultant should submit a draft mapping report.
  • A presentation on preliminary findings within five days of finalising data collection, that highlights the major parts of the study.  
  • A draft baseline report to be submitted within six days of completion of the data collection for review and comments from Search’s country team and Regional DME specialist. The review and feedback of the report could be more than one round depending on the quality of the report and the extent to which the comments and suggestions from the first round have been incorporated. 
  • A Final report integrating the Local Leaders Mapping and Baseline Assessment reports to be submitted after incorporating the comments of Search. The report should be written in English, 20-25 pages excluding annexes, and follows Search’s template consisting of:

-Cover page, Search will provide sample cover sheet for reference;

-Table of contents, list of acronyms, abbreviations and list of tables and charts; 

-Executive summary, including key findings and recommendations – 3-4 pages.;

-Background information and context analysis presented per key criteria with a brief description;

-Baseline Assessment and Mapping methodology with a clear explanation of sampling and limitations, KIIs, participants’ selection, and data analysis approach;

-Research findings, analysis, with associated data presented, where appropriate in clear graphs or charts. The findings can include subsections for each research criteria;

-Conclusion and Recommendations. The recommendations should be framed according to each section of the project; and

-Appendices should include collected data, a detailed description of the methodology with research instruments, a list of interviewees.

The report should be submitted electronically in an MS – Word document. The consultant is responsible for the English editing of the final report which should be well formatted. 

All handwritten and electronic transcripts of interviews and KIIs, hard copies of survey questionnaires, photographs taken during the assessment, and any equipment received from Search for the purpose of the study should be submitted to Search. Furthermore, all information generated during the baseline study will be the sole property of Search and is subject to submission to Search along with the final report, prior to the end of the contract.

Estimated Working days 

As per the below deadlines, Search estimates the consultant would need between 35 and 50 working days to conclude the study (baseline, area assessment, and stakeholders’ mapping). Between 30 and 45 working days will be accorded to the Endline study.

Logistical Support 

The consultant(s) will be responsible for organizing their own logistics for data collection (e.g, vehicles, fuel, and drivers). However, Search Lebanon will provide support in arranging logistics required as follow: 

  • Ensuring that the consultant receives key documents in a timely manner;
  • Helping to set up the data collection needed arrangements;
  • Arranging meetings with the project team and key staff;

5. Ethical Considerations

In line with the ethical codes and guidelines of research, the consultancy should take into consideration the Do No Harm, Conflict sensitivity, and inclusion principles throughout the processes of designing, implementing, and finalizing the proposed assignment.  The consultant(s) are required to respect the following ethical principles: 

  • Comprehensive and systematic inquiry: The consultant should make the most of the existing information and a full range of stakeholders available at the time of the review. The consultant should conduct systematic, data-based inquiries. He or she should communicate his or her methods and approaches accurately and in sufficient detail to allow others to understand, interpret, and critique his or her work. He or she should make clear the limitations of the review and its results. 
  • Competence: The consultant should possess the abilities and skills and experience appropriate to undertake the tasks proposed and should practice within the limits of his or her professional training and competence. 
  • Honesty and integrity: The consultant should be transparent with the contractor/constituent about: any conflict of interest, any change made in the negotiated project plan, and the reasons why those changes were made, any risk that certain procedures or activities produce misleading review information. 
  • Respect for people: Consultant should respect the security, dignity, and self-worth of the respondents, program participants. The consultant has the responsibility to be sensitive to and respect differences amongst participants in culture, religion, gender, disability, age, and ethnicity. 

6. Data Quality Assurance and Management

All deliverables will be reviewed and approved by the country office and global Institutional Learning Team prior to the acceptance of the final product. The consultant(s) are also required to develop a clear and rigorous quality control plan during the inception phase of which will be implemented and deployed throughout all phases of the evaluation process to ensure reliability and validity of findings. 

7. Timeline

The evaluation timeline is expected to be kicked off in November 2020 and concluded in January 2021 by submitting the final deliverables requested above. Breakdown of expected deliverables by the deadline are as follows: 

  • Consultant recruitment deadline: November 15, 2020;
  • Deadline for finalising the data collection tools and inception report: November 25, 2020;
  • Deadline for draft mapping: December 5, 2020;
  • Deadline for finalising data collection: December 10, 2020;
  • Presentation on preliminary findings: December 15, 2020;
  • Deadline for the draft report: December 16, 2020; and
  • Deadline for the final deliverables: January 4, 2021

8. Requirements of Consultant

The following skills and experience are expected by Search for our evaluator for this project:

  • Proficiency in English and Arabic;
  • More than 5 years of experience in project evaluation, including collecting data in interviews, surveys, and focus groups;
  • Experience in conflict analysis and working with local communities and marginalized groups;
  • Experience working with international organizations;
  • Experience conducting quantitative surveys and analysis;
  • Evaluation methods and data collection skills; and 
  • Excellent report development and writing skills. 

Selection Criteria

Consultant proposals will be selected for:

  1. The relevance of the proposed methodology to the goal, objectives, and research questions for the project.
  2. Quality of proposed methods, conflict sensitivity approaches, and quality control measures.
  3. Qualifications of the candidate(s).
  4. The proposed budget in relation to the proposed methodology, deliverables, and team.
  5. Timeline for proposed activities.

How to apply

Please make sure to submit your application package before the end of November 4, 2020 through the following link:


Step 1: Applicants should submit a resume/organizational presentation. technical and financial proposals (to be uploaded to "Technical Proposals" in one pdf document). The two samples of previously produced work (to be uploaded to "Methodology and Work Plan" in one pdf document)

Step 2: Search’s M&E Team will send pre-selected applicants a full Terms of Reference for the study via email. Pre-selected applicants will be asked to accordingly update their proposal and resubmit by November 8, 2020. 

Note: Only two documents can be submitted, so the technical and financial proposals must be combined, along with other application package documents.

منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الأربعاء, 04. نوفمبر 2020
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم مقترحات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
حل النزاعات