Short-term facilitator/consultant: MEAL System and Base-Line Study Trainer

Shot-Term Trainer on MEAL and BLS

Project Name

Promotion of synergies between population groups affected by the Syrian crisis in order to increase the profitability of vegetable and fruit value chains, create jobs and reduce social tensions in Baalbek-Hermel Governorate, Lebanon

Contract start and End Dates

10-14 working days. Preferable start: ASAP. End date: Before 15 April.



Products expected from the consultation/training:

A feasible plan for a Base Line Study

A documented manageable MEAL System according to the project indicators, donor requirements, and involving the necessary bodies from the consortium.

Team members are familiar with required M&E tools and know how to use them.

Anticipated Report Release Date

At the end of the contract

Geographical scope

The MEAL trainer can work with the WHH MEAL colleague in Beirut. Coordination meetings with the implementing partner should take place in Baalbek.

Target audiences

The product will be of interest to the following stakeholders:

- Welthungerhilfe

- Partner organizations involved in implementation;

- Bodies that receive reports from Welthungerhilfe

Purpose of the service

The overall objective of this assignment is to develop a functioning MEAL system, to agree and enable the needed tools, and to come up with a comprehensive plan for a base-line-study.

The project is working with the following indicators:

Result 1.1: Agricultural producers have increased their income

Result 1.2: Agricultural producers produce more

Result 1.3: Agricultural producers sell qualitatively improved product

Result 2.1: Market players have increased their capacities

Result 2.2: Market players are better connected

Result 3.1: Inter-communal dialogue has increased

Result 3.2: Number of inter-communal cooperation has increased


  • On the job training for WHH MEAL personnel;
  • Moderation of discussions between WHH MEAL team and implementing partners
  • Documentation of agreements
  • Facilitation of tools and training on how to use them


  1. Documentation of
    1. the facilitated BLS plan
    2. the improved MEAL system
    3. List of tools to be used during the project implementation
  2. Capacitated personnel:
    1. WHH MEAL personnel is familiar with all required MEAL tools and knows how to use them
    2. WHH MEAL personnel is enabled to execute the MEAL plan and the BLS plan.


a) Core responsibilities of the Consultant;

The consultant will be expected to perform the following core responsibilities:

  • Review the current MEAL plan and the tools used together with WHH MEAL personnel
  • Identify gaps and short-comings of the current MEAL plan and develop improvements together with the team.
  • Review the current BLS and the data collected together with WHH MEAL personnel and, if necessary, with partner NGO. Identify gaps and short-comings and develop improvements.
  • Review the tools used for M&E and for the BLS with WHH MEAL personnel and partner NGO
  • Facilitation of any additional tools for WHH team
  • Moderation of discussion between the consortium partners to agree on an effective MEAL system.
  • On the job training of the WHH MEAL personnel
  • At the end of the training: Report
    • BLS-Plan attached
    • MEAL plan attached
    • List of tools attached

b) Skill and knowledge base requirements

  • Master’s Degree Economics, Agriculture, Sociology or similar
  • Excellent knowledge of NGO MEAL requirements and systems
  • Strong analytical, research and presentation skills.
  • Excellent report writing skills

How to apply

The potential facilitator is expected to submit a financial proposal in a different envelop clearly indicating the time, daily rates and detailed schedule for the training. The schedule shall later on be agreed on together before the actual implementation.

WHH’s budget is limited, offers should orient fees  along normal local daily rates, not high-end international organizations.

The offers can be sent to [email protected]

Deadline: 10 March 2020


منتهية الصلاحية
آخر مدة للتقديم
الثلاثاء, 10. Mar 2020
نوع الدعوة
دعوة لتقديم المناقصات
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
التدريب وبناء القدرات