Good Morning Gaza - Islamic Relief Response

Months after the war, the Gaza Strip remains a disaster zone. Families are in despair, as hundresds of them had their homes totally destroyed and do not have proper shelter to endure Gaza's conditions. Gazans also continue to face difficulty obtaining food due to shortages and wide-spread poverty. The health situation has shown no big improvement either, as lack of supplies and medicines continue to plague the coastal strip. Islamic Relief's Gaza office has identified the inflow of aid and building supplies as the chief priority in reconstructing and rehabilitating Gaza's ailing population. Priorities include: spare parts and fuel for the power plant, supplies for hospitals and vital materials for water and sewage treatment facilities. Despite the ceasefire which came into effect on January 18 after three weeks of non-stop conflict, Gaza's population continues to be in tremendous need of humanitarian aid. Islamic Relief has been distributing food parcels, hygiene kits, kitchen sets and blankets to hundred of families on a daily basis. Thousands of Palestinian children and families have benefited from much-needed psychological counseling projects.

Islamic Relief
تاريخ النشر: 
الخميس, 1 يناير 2009
نوع المورد: 
Newsletter and/or Periodical
Relief Services, Recovery & Reconstruction