ضياع 101: بين الحكما والفواتير

Completely FREE!
CONFUSION 101: Between Doctors and Medical Bills
No one is ever prepared for when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. Among all the concerns and questions that suddenly come rushing in, you find yourself thrust into a world of doctor’s appointments and navigating a web of overwhelming medical bills. What’s the best way to juggle all these new responsibilities and how can you best manage all the upcoming expenses? 
All these topics (and more!) will be discussed on:

TIME: 6pm - 8pm
LOCATION: Dawawine, Gemmayze 

A team of recognized specialists in their fields will be lending their expertise and helpful recommendations to help ease your journey:
DR. HADY GHANEM is an American-Board Certified Physician in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology. Dr. Ghanem is the Chief of the Hematology-Oncology division at the Lebanese American University Medical Center- Risk Hospital (LAUMCRH). He has earned many recognition awards for outstanding clinical achievements during his training, and has published more than 15 papers and book chapters. Dr. Ghanem is also an Assistant Professor at the Lebanese American University and is part of the Ministry of Health's committee for medical complaints and controversial medical cases.
MR. AYAD EL SIBAI is the Director of Inspection and Oversight of Institutions and Employers at the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). He holds a Post-Graduate Diploma (DESS) with a speciality in Managing Social Security Systems from the National Center for the Science of Social Security in Saint-Etienne, France. Mr. Ayad has given several presentations about social security and has been involved in numerous workshops on the topic. In 2002, Mr. Ayad was recognized and received an appreciation for his role by the Minister of Labor and Director of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).
About the Session:

Completely free (but registration is required due to limited spots).
Open to husbands and their wives currently undergoing treatment.
Conducted in Arabic spoken language.
Informal, private group atmosphere with plenty of interactive discussions.

To register, please call us: 79-158471Or fill-in this form: http://onewigstand.polldaddy.com/s/being-her-rock-registration

Add to my Calendar ضياع 101: بين الحكما والفواتير Completely FREE! CONFUSION 101: Between Doctors and Medical Bills No one is ever prepared for when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. Among all the concerns and questions that suddenly come rushing in, you find yourself thrust into a world of doctor’s appointments and navigating a web of overwhelming medical bills. What’s the best way to juggle all these new responsibilities and how can you best manage all the upcoming expenses?  All these topics (and more!) will be discussed on: WEDNESDAY, March 2 TIME: 6pm - 8pm LOCATION: Dawawine, Gemmayze  A team of recognized specialists in their fields will be lending their expertise and helpful recommendations to help ease your journey: DR. HADY GHANEM is an American-Board Certified Physician in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology. Dr. Ghanem is the Chief of the Hematology-Oncology division at the Lebanese American University Medical Center- Risk Hospital (LAUMCRH). He has earned many recognition awards for outstanding clinical achievements during his training, and has published more than 15 papers and book chapters. Dr. Ghanem is also an Assistant Professor at the Lebanese American University and is part of the Ministry of Health's committee for medical complaints and controversial medical cases. MR. AYAD EL SIBAI is the Director of Inspection and Oversight of Institutions and Employers at the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). He holds a Post-Graduate Diploma (DESS) with a speciality in Managing Social Security Systems from the National Center for the Science of Social Security in Saint-Etienne, France. Mr. Ayad has given several presentations about social security and has been involved in numerous workshops on the topic. In 2002, Mr. Ayad was recognized and received an appreciation for his role by the Minister of Labor and Director of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). About the Session: Completely free (but registration is required due to limited spots). Open to husbands and their wives currently undergoing treatment. Conducted in Arabic spoken language. Informal, private group atmosphere with plenty of interactive discussions. To register, please call us: 79-158471Or fill-in this form: http://onewigstand.polldaddy.com/s/being-her-rock-registration www.BeingHerRock.com Organizer 2016-03-02 02:00:00 2016-03-02 02:00:00 [email protected] Asia/Beirut public
Start/End Date and Time
أربعاء, 02/03/2016 - 2:00am
Event Location:
Dawawine, Gemmayze
Event Type:
ورشة عمل/طاولة مستديرة