Promotion And Support Of Citizenship And Peace Clubs, Advocacy For Better Participation

With a history like Lebanon

الأهداف العامة: 
1- Overall Objective The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the emancipation of a culture of peace among Lebanese youth in a divided Country. 2- Purpose of the Project The purpose of this project is to generate an independent youth dynamics on the topics of peace building, culture of peace and citizenship all over Lebanon and to actively engage them, as agents of change, in an advocacy campaign related to their right to participation in public policy making.
Expected Results: 1) Youth Clubs are functioning in different regions throughout Lebanon 2) Youth manage Peace Clubs and facilitate training sessions on citizenship, peaceful means for conflict resolution and the respect of diversity 3) Outreach materials based on previous phases is designed, produced and disseminated 4) Outreach activities are implemented 5) Identifying a select number of laws related to the right to participation that need to be amended or enforced 6) Two Advocacy Training School (Media-Legal) are organized and implemented 7) Two Advocacy Campaign (Media-Legal) are designed and implemented 8) Proceedings and results are disseminated to the public 9) Sustainability of the project is secured by a fundraising campaign led by the club members
تاريخ البداية
سبت, 01/11/2008 - 2:00am
حالة المشروع
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