The Peace beyond Fear program is designed in an innovative way allowing Youth to partake in the process of conflict resolution and prevention. It aims at the creation of a common understanding of past communal conflicts and the achievement of a much needed post-war reconciliation.

الأهداف العامة: 
The Action proposed has been conceived within a bigger programme, of which the long-term overall goal is to promote the culture of peace in Lebanese society, through the creation of a common understanding of past communal conflicts and the achievement of post-war reconciliation and by empowering the youth to fully participate in realising this goal.The program will focus on two objectives:
The activities are organized in a participative way, which will enable the 120 youth to be actively involved along side the whole project. In the implementing phase, the youth will act as self-actors in reducing the spread of violence in their environment, starting from within their respective Clubs and then expanding their new initiatives at school (peer-to-peer learning) and to their own families and the wider community. The youth are carrying out peace building initiatives such as a review of Lebanon
تاريخ البداية
اثنين, 01/02/2010 - 2:00am
حالة المشروع
قطاع(ات) التدخل:
مكان المشروع:
تعاون مع منظمات أخرى