Inara Awarded Over $500,000 By Unicef

Today (March 29, 2017) INARA is happy to announce that they have been awarded over $500,000 as part of their partnership with UNICEF in Lebanon. The funding has been provided by the US Fund for UNICEF.
This money will be used to continue their work providing life-altering medical treatment to refugee children; and also to expand their program to launch a new project focusing on orthopedic injuries.They will announce more details on the orthopedic injuries project in the coming weeks.
Speaking about receiving this significant amount of money, founder and president, Arwa Damon, said: “I’m so proud that we are partnering with UNICEF again this year. Their support is vital for us to provide medical treatment to refugee children who have been injured either in war or from living as refugees here in Lebanon. We are extremely grateful that they have recognized the work that we do, and we know that, with their help, we can make a huge difference to the lives of refugee children.”
With this money, they aim to treat around 67 children in the next year, with the average injury case costing approximately $5,000. Orthopedic cases are expected to range between $4,000 and $20,000 - and INARA anticipates the average case to cost around $15,000. The number of cases they take on in 2017 will be double the amount of children treated in 2016.
“This will allow us to treat even more children and hire an additional Caseworker,” Arwa Damon added. “We realize that we will face challenges, but we are thrilled that we have more resources to help those in their most desperate time of need in any way we can.”
“Access to specialized health services and treatment options remains a challenge for many Syrian refugee children who have suffered major injuries because of the conflict in Syria or even here in Lebanon,” said UNICEF’s representative in Lebanon, Ms. Tanya Chapuisat. “Our partnership with INARA is a step towards helping some of these children overcome the lifelong consequences and give them back the opportunity to reclaim their hope for the future.”

آخر تاريخ التحديث: 
29/03/2017 - 1:52م
تاريخ النشر: 
الأربعاء, 29 مارس 2017