مجموعة دليل مدني لحقوق الإنسان

التبويبات الأساسية

تفحص الأبحاث والتحليلات، والأخبار، والنشاطات، والمشاريع المجمّعة حول هذا المجال.

South Sudan Awaits Justice for Mayom Extrajudicial Killings - Human Rights Watch

On August 8, 2022, videos and photographs circulated on social media that appeared to show South Sudan government forces executing captured ...

Azerbaijan: Arrest of Democracy Advocate | Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch and 2 other organizations issued the following statement on August 8, 2023 about the arrest, detention, and detention ...

Egypt: Electricity Cutbacks Threaten Rights - Human Rights Watch

The Egyptian government is limiting electricity use with daily power cutbacks nationwide, putting people's economic and social rights at risk.

Lebanon: New campaign calls on parliament to reform insult and defamation laws

The Lebanese authorities must immediately halt all prosecutions of journalists, human rights defenders, activists, and others who are critical of ...

Justice for the Beirut blast can help avert Lebanon's collapse - Al Jazeera

Holding the Lebanese political elite to account can be the first step towards ... International human rights law is inherently part of Lebanon's ...

Nepal: IMF Should Help Expand Child Grant Program | Human Rights Watch

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) should help expand social protection to all children in Nepal under its Child Grant program.

Cluster Munitions: South Sudan Accedes to Global Ban | Human Rights Watch

South Sudan acceded to the international Convention on Cluster Munitions on August 3, 2023, the 112th country to do so, Human Rights Watch said ...

Tanzania: Critics of Port Deal Arrested - Human Rights Watch

Tanzania authorities have detained or threatened at least 22 people since June 10, 2023, including protesters, after they criticized the Tanzania ...

Angola: Grave Police Abuses Against Activists - Human Rights Watch

Angolan security forces have carried out more than a dozen unlawful killings and numerous other serious abuses against political activists and ...

Hundreds protest as Lebanon marks third anniversary of Beirut blast - Al Jazeera

On Thursday, 300 individuals and organisations, including Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International, renewed a call for the United ...

Where the Human Rights Abuses Are | Human Rights Watch

I sometimes get asked why I'm so often writing here about vulnerable people, and why human rights defenders generally are constantly focused on ...

Reading Between the Lines of the Pylos Shipwreck | Human Rights Watch

Every weekday, get the world's top human rights news, explored and explained by ... Violence Loom over August Election (HRW); Lebanon : 3 Years On, ...

Lebanon marks three years since catastrophic Beirut port blast - Al Jazeera

Lebanese and international organizations, survivors and families of victims on Thursday sent an appeal to the United Nations Human Rights Council, ...

Middle East Roundup: Quran burnings lead to protests around the world | News | Al Jazeera

Killings in a Palestinian refugee camp and Lebanon's wanted bank governor steps ... They also championed a UN Human Rights Council resolution that ...

New appeal from Lebanese and international human rights organizations for a 'fact-finding mission'

BEIRUT — Lebanese and international organizations, along with survivors and families of the victims of the Aug.4, 2020 port explosion on Thursday ...

Lebanon: 3 Years On, No Justice for Beirut Blast | Human Rights Watch

“International action is needed to break the culture of impunity in Lebanon .” Your tax deductible gift can help stop human rights violations and save ...

Lebanon: 3 Years On, No Justice for Beirut Blast | Human Rights Watch

In March, 38 countries at the UN Human Rights Council condemned the pervasive obstruction and interference with Lebanon's domestic investigation ...

Lebanon: Unacceptable lack of justice, truth and reparation three years after Beirut blast

Today, over 300 Lebanese and international civil society groups, ... are once again appealing to the Human Rights Council to urgently establish an ...
بيان صحفي

عبد الهادي عبد الباري العثمان سوري مسجل كطالب لجوء لدى مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في لبنان منذ عام 2013، مقيم في الكورة-في طرابلس، لبنان.
في أيار 2023، أعتقل في طرابلس شمالي لبنان بتهمة تتعلق بالسرقة. في 20 تموز 2023، قررت الهيئة الإتهامية في الشمال بالإفراج عنه. لكنه أحيل إلى مركز الإحتجاز في الأمن العام في بيروت، ومنذ ذلك الحين لا يزال معتقلاً.

Anti-LGBT Rhetoric Undermines Rights in Lebanon - Human Rights Watch

Anti-gay remarks made on Saturday by a Hezbollah leader in Lebanon who has recently called for anti-gay violence sparked panic and terror among ...

مجموعة دليل مدني لحقوق الإنسان

النطاق الجغرافي: 

تشكّل مجموعات دليل مدني آداة تتماشى مع مهمة البرنامج لتعزيز قدرة المجتمع المدني وتبادل المعرفة والشراكات بين الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني.

مجموعات دليل مدني هي مساحات تعاونية على الإنترنت تهدف إلى جمع الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني حول قضايا مواضيعية محددة. توفر مجموعات دليل مدني فضاءً تعاونياً للنقاش والعمل المشترك والتخطيط للحملات وأوجه التعاون.

تعرض هذه المجموعة أحدث الأخبار المتعلّقة بقضايا حقوق الانسان، إضافةً إلى مساحة للنقاش والتعاون والعمل المشترك.‎

أعضاء المجموعة
