
تاريخ البداية: 
26/04/2018 - 6:00pm

The consociational system as well as kinship-based politics have not allowed circulation of political elites, limiting the entry and participation of newcomers and women to the political scene in Lebanon. The 2018 Lebanese parliamentary elections are scheduled to take place on 6 May after nearly a decade since the last time they were held.

تاريخ البداية: 
13/04/2018 - 3:00pm

تدعوكم لجنة أهالي المخطوفين والمفقودين في لبنان إلى مؤتمر صحافي لـتسليم العريضة الوطنية للمفقودين وإطلاق حملة "لائحة المفقودين في كل لبنان

تاريخ البداية: 
07/04/2018 - 11:00pm

GIZ ZFD in Lebanon and in collaboration with SALTO-Youth Euromed will be organizing the first Lebanese National Tool Fair "Hit the Road....Break the Code" from 29 June till 1st of July 2018. The tool fair will gather active Facilitators, Trainers, and Activists in Lebanon and will provide them with a space to share a tool they have created/developed under the topic of social cohesion.

تاريخ البداية: 
12/04/2018 - 6:00pm

Recently, project management has been increasingly changing from a systemic tools approach to a more integrated, holistic, contextual, and behavioral discipline. In fact, at a societal level, project management principles are being used and implemented everywhere throughout the public, private, industrial and non-for-profit sectors. NGO’s in particular are increasingly relying on professional project and program managers to drive complex projects that are critical to the organization’s success in implementing strategic management initiatives, and in using/reusing efficiently and effectively the funds provided to them. 
