التبويبات الأساسية
Social Development & Advancement Society
Vision:Our aim is to be a pioneer society in the field of bringing about a civilized community through qualifying man and developing his intellectual abilities in all aspects.
Mission:Upgrade the community in all types of culture, civil development, and promotion of professional skills to encounter future challenges.
Objectives:1. Promoting the skills of individuals involved in charitable and religious services with respect to their psychological, administrative, educational, and informative capacities.2. Bringing sects, religions, and civilizations closer to one another through liberality, coexistence, and intercommunication.3. Bringing forth a good human by cultivating conduct and thinking patterns, and promoting performance.4. Spreading educational awareness among students and parents as to the importance of learning and knowledge through lectures, printed material, and follow up by keeping on contact with the school administrations.5. Holding training courses and programs for the young that help them face future challenges.6. Spreading reading culture in society.
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بيانات صحفية
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