التبويبات الأساسية
Lebanese Union For Child Welfare
The Lebanese Union for Child Welfare (LUCW) is a local non-profitable and non sectarian NGO, considered by the Lebanese Government of public utility. We aim to care for children. The LUCW was established in 1949 with a license number 585/ A.D. it is an umbrella Association with 54 NGO members implementing programs for children over all Lebanon.
The LUCW started as a branch of the International Union for Child Welfare. It is the first union for child welfare organizations in the Arab World. It follows up all issues regarding child welfare especially those related to the implementation of all articles of the “Convention of the Rights of the Child” through lectures, workshops, seminars and training sessions. One of its main objectives is to advocate and create a pressure group for issuing and implementing laws that leads to the best interest of the child.
The LUCW is a founding member of the Higher Council for Childhood. It has links with Arab and International bodies that deals with childhood: The Arab Networking non-Governmental organizations, The Arab Council for Childhood, the humanitarian forum for non-governmental organizations, the international Women without Frontiers organization and the international committee for the day of combating violence against children. It coordinates with the Lebanese parliamentary Committee for women and children. It also has many contacts with international organizations that deal with childcare.
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