DAI Global, LLC (DAI) - Calls

DAI Global, LLC (DAI)

سنة التأسيس: 
Lot 549 - Byblos Bank Building
Fouad Chehab Street
Sin El Fil - Horsh Tabet , Mount Lebanon
الهاتف: +961 1 485 696/7
Mount Lebanon LB
Jdeideh 19 - 1st Floor
Pierre Gemayel
Jdeideh , Mount Lebanon
الهاتف: +961 1 890 477
Mount Lebanon LB
نوع المنظمة: 
قطاع خاص
قطاع(ات) التدخل: 
إعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية والخدمات
نظافة المياه والصرف الصحي



As part of USAID/WSC, DAI is requesting proposals for the assessment of BMLWE's Generators.

الأربعاء, 6 أبريل 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

As part of USAID/WSC, DAI is requesting Company Profiles for companies specialized in the Operation and Maintenance of Various Water Pumping/Treatment Stations and Wastewater Treatment plants within WSC’s Crisis response strategy.

الجمعة, 8 أبريل 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

As part of USAID/WSC, DAI is requesting quotations for the supply of Fuel.

الأربعاء, 23 مارس 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to solicit applications for funding. DAI through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is seeking concept papers first and full applications later from prospective partners to implement activities that provide women and/or youth with opportunities to engage in the water and sanitation sector.

الأربعاء, 15 مارس 2023
منتهية الصلاحية

As part of USAID/WSC, DAI is requesting quotations for Supply and Installation of Printers for North Lebanon Water Establishment (NLWE).

الجمعة, 18 مارس 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

As part of USAID/WSC, DAI is requesting quotations for Supply, Delivery and Installation of Lab Equipment for Khirbet Qanafar.

الثلاثاء, 15 مارس 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

As part of USAID/WSC, DAI is requesting proposals for supply, installation, commissioning, and O&M of PV solar panels projects in support of water, wastewater, and irrigation facilities.

الثلاثاء, 15 مارس 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

Under this Request for Applications, DAI is to award grants to support communal sanitation management.
DAI intends to provide grant/s to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) ranging from USD 50,000 to 500,000, subject to the availability of funds and the type and size of the proposed solution that should not exceed 18 months. DAI anticipates to notify the awarded applicants within approximately 80 calendar days from the RFA closing date.

الجمعة, 22 أبريل 2022
منتهية الصلاحية

Under this Request for Applications, DAI intends to award grants to support schools’ engagement in the water and sanitation sectors.
DAI intends to provide grants to legally registered organizations ranging from US $100,000 to US $300,000, subject to the availability of funds and the type and size of the proposed solution, and with duration not to exceed 18 months. DAI anticipates to notify the awarded applicants within approximately 80 calendar days from the RFA closing date.

الاثنين, 4 أبريل 2022
منتهية الصلاحية