التبويبات الأساسية
Civil Campaign For Electoral Reform
The Civil Campaign for Electoral Reform (CCER) is a coalition of 66 Lebanese civil society organizations and 2 coalitions of NGOs that was launched in 2006 to advocate for the reform of electoral systems in Lebanon, particularly the parliamentary and municipal elections.
CCER seeks to secure the adoption of the following reforms to the electoral system and laws:
Proportional Representation
Independent Electoral Commission
Campaign Finance Reform
Media Regulation
Lowering Voting Age from 21 to 18
Lowering the Candidacy Age from 25 to 22
Out of Country Voting
33.33% Women’s Quota on Electoral Lists
Access for People with Special Needs
Ensure the secrecy of the vote (preprinted ballot, Vote counting in the polling center instead of the polling station …)
Right to vote for the military
Ensuring the Electoral participation of detainees