The purpose of this manual is to inform different employers on people with disabilities and inclusion
in the workplace. It provides a basic principle on how to start accessing this untapped labor pool,
raise awareness about disability, provide tools for recruitment and ways of integration. PWDs are still
marginalized from the Lebanese job market while they can be a real added value for businesses. People
with disabilities can however bring a fresh perspective and innovation to the workplace. Just like their
able-bodied peers, they see a need and have the right to work by contributing to create better world for
all. Often many businesses are reluctant to employ them because they are not aware, not well informed
or just not prepared.
The manual does not provide ready-made solutions, but must rather be seen as a helpful tool to initiate
a positive approach on disability in the workplace.

Catholic Relief Services
Publishing Date: 
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Resource Type: 
Guides & Tools
Disability & Special Needs
Disability & Special Needs
In Association with: 